Best Practices for Instagram Link in Bio

If you’re not a part of Instagram marketing, now is the time to start. Today, Instagram is a must for any business or brand, whether it’s small or large. The most effective way to drive traffic and sales to your site is the Instagram link in your bio. 

Put a link in your bio and get your followers off of Instagram to your other social profiles. Getting your follower to other social networks might seem tricky. But this post is about the best practices you can use to make the most get out from your link in bio

Best Practices for the Instagram link in Bio

If you’re familiar with other social networks, you can see spam links in the caption of posts and comment section. To avoid spam links, Instagram allows having only one clickable link in the bio section. That’s why it’s crucial to optimize this bio link to make the best possible use of it. Here I will show you some best practices you can use to make wise use of bio links. 

Use Instagram Bio tools.

People have many business links, such as links for multiple social platforms, blogs, affiliate sites, videos, photos, and more. But they’re allowed to have only one clickable link. Due to this, Instagram link in bio tools come into play to help users get more from this single link. 

Most of the bio tools are free to use, such as Linktree, LinkBook, Tap. Bio, Link.Bio, and more. However, some offer only paid plans like Sorby. The bio tools allow you to create landing pages to house all your content and multiple links. 

They’re easy to set up, but the login credentials and create your landing pages. If you’re not a member, sign-up, create your page, copy and paste its URL into your bio right under the website section. When your followers click it, they will be redirected to wherever you want them to be. 

There’re many bio tools; let’s take a quick look at the following. 


Linktree is free to use. It allows you to create a personalized landing page to house your blog posts, images, videos, product pages, social profiles, and more. This bio tool integrates with Mailchimp, Google analytics, and Facebook pixel. 

Linktree provides custom designs you can display on your landing pages to engage the audience. Unfortunately, it doesn’t offer custom domains. This is why Instagram is marking Linktree’s links as spam. So, people have stopped using it and looking for Linktree alternatives. 


LinkBook is used as an alternative to Linktree. It provides premium features including landing pages, UTM parameters, advanced link tracking, custom domains, animated links, scheduled links, and more. 

It also provides integrations with Mailchimp, Facebook pixel, and Google analytics. Not only that, it offers a pro version, which provides some advanced features. 


This is another excellent alternative to Linktree. Unfortunately, it doesn’t provide a free version. You will have to purchase a paid plan if you want to use Shorby’s features. This bio tool is super fun. It allows you to create mobile-optimized micro landing pages that’s well known as smart pages. 

You can add unlimited links, such as links for animated avatars, GIFs, videos, blog posts, affiliate sites, product pages, and more. Sorby provides the following features;

  • Link tracking, retargeting 
  • Dynamic feeds
  • Social icons
  • Messenger buttons
  • Attractive designs

Add your links

Using the link in bio tools, you don’t have to choose which link you need to promote. They allow you to add unlimited links to your pages. Moreover, you have the choice of which links should be displayed and which should be hidden. So, choose those you want to promote. 

Track analytics

It’s crucial to track your links so you can analyze how much traffic you’re getting and from which links. Paying attention to your analytics can help you figure out whether you need to improve your marketing strategies or not. 

Though there are many bio tools, all are integrated with Google analytics and provide free matrices, including clicks, views, and click-through rates. LinkBook bio tool provides UTM parameters that you can add to your links to make them trackable with Google analytics. 

Prioritize and Animate Links

Most links in bio tools allow you to prioritize and animate your links- LinkBook bio tools provide free animated and scheduled links. When you prioritize a link, it will be pinned to the top or wherever you want it. 

If you animate a link, it will make that’s CTA button move. The following tools have the choices for animation;

  • Wobble
  • Flash
  • Jello
  • Heartbeat
  • Pulse

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Each of these tools mentioned above makes your link move differently. For example, “Wobble” develops a back-and-forth wobbling effect. If we come to “Flash,” it makes the button flash off and on. 

Post Author: bookbb

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